Monday, August 13, 2007

My first day

Today was my first day as an intern at The Cushing/Whitney Library. I was so nervous and also very anxious to see what awaited me in the building. When I arrived, I was able to meet all the staff members such as Lei, Jan and Jeanne as well as Dr. Greenburg who gave me a tour of the library. There were so many interesting facts about this library. Facts such as it is rated the 5th largest library containing so many useful medical books both new and old text. I also got to meet the staff in the basement level of the library. I spent about 30-45miuntes with Earl, Mary and Daniel as they all explained to me what there jobs entail. I was also able to work at my own desk and help Daniel with online subscription. I was also introduced to the blogs as well as meebo, which is an online aim that staff members use to keep in touch via internet. Towards the end of the day, I walked over to meet Jeanne at the Yale School of Nursing, where she was able to give me a brief overview of her job both at the library and at Yale University School of Nursing. My first was real thrilling and enlightening.

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