Sunday, April 6, 2008

On Friday, March 4, I met with Lei Wang and Jan Glover. Lei talked to me about his job as an instructional design librarian. In short, he makes onlne instruction modules and he also makes sure that there is online instruction twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. His background in English/Literature helps him in his current profession. Jan Glover, on the other hand, had an interest in Art/History which is not as relevant to her career as English/Literature is for Lei. Jan Glover is responsible for education services programs. She teaches people how to search for material effectively and she also helped coordinate a personal librarian program. In this program, incoming medical students are split up among the staff and they are given personal librarians on whom they can call in times when help is needed. The program has been running for about 12 years and it may soon be applied to the undergraduate school.

After my interviews with Lei and Jan, I worked on putting my picture on the blog with Mr. Greenberg. I returned to the library on Saturday, April 5, to talk with Janene Batten and to take pictures for my independent project. Janene works with the nursing school and he serves students, teachers, and clinicians, which is a wide patronship. She feels that as a result of the digitization age, her job has changed to more of maintaining the study of nursing and research. She also had a unique idea for libraries of the future. She said that she believes that libraries would be more welcoming and more popular if they had more of a social aspect. I agree that more people would use libraries if they provided a snack and drink area as well as rooms for study groups and social events. After meeting with Janene, I took pictures necessary for my independent program and I added some information to my outline. Until tomorrow.

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