Hill Regional Career High School interns explore health information careers such as medical librarianship at the Yale Medical Library with the help of Mr. Charles Greenberg and other staff members. The interns are given the opportunity to see how library staff access, manage, and apply medical research and interact with those on the Yale Medical Campus who work hands on with research.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
LAST DAY!!!!!!
Sarah Burge

Sarah looking at an ancient 3D glasses
Friday, February 18, 2011
Diane Turner

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day with Denise
Today I learned that working with people who like you and that you like can really make your job easier.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Matt is the

Monday, February 14, 2011
Meeting with Janene Batten

Since November, as the acting Historical Medical librarian, Janene finds information, answers question and works in the administration. She enjoys learning about Harvey Cushing , the father of neurosurgery.
Today I learned that they are many careers within one career. I also learned that sometimes knowing history can help you to understand the modern world.
An old book from the Historical Medical Library.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Afternoon with Jan and Lei
Moments later I
chatted with Lei Wang. One of the things I like about Lei was how passionate he is about his job. He is a instructional design librarian. He translates tasks such as accessing library information online into short movies, making them available to everyone. He is also a library liaison for neuroscience and making sure they receive the information they need. One of the coolest things about Lei's father is that he has a library at home in China with more than 10 thousand books, including his own online catalog, to make it easier for him to find books. To be a Instructional design librarian you need to have curiosity, to have the courage to try new things, and have good customer services skills.

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Afternoon with Regina and Lynn

Later tha

Today I learned that creativity is sometimes required in a profession. Also, always try to make a difference in the world whenever it is possible. Lastly I learned that as a woman make sure you can take care of yourself so you do not have to depend on a man. Becoming a professional with a career can help with that.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Afternoon with John Gallagher
The Yale Medical library has about 9,000 journals and millions of articles on library user computers. To find these articles or journals, an electronic index like Pubmed and Scopus is being used. If the library does not have an article or journal, an Interlibrary loan staff would help find it.
Vermetha, on

Today I learned that a library is supposed to be a quiet and inspiring place.I also learned that medical librarians have a role in patient care and research. The big problem regarding medical librarianship is lack of recognition for important tasks that are often invisible.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Curriculum Support
Today I learned that Life is a roller coaster. You might choose to do something and later have to change because of a life situation. For example Judy majored in English, then ten years later she went back to school because the job she had was being eliminated.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Clinical And Mobile Technology Support

Today I had a chance to meet with the Clinical and Mobile Technology Support librarian Mr. Mark Gentry. He had been working as a medical librarian for 23 years. His job is to get the clinical practice information out to the doctors and other health professionals. He uses technology such as computers, iPhones and iPads to transmit the Information. Mr Gentry teaches health professionals how to use the mobile device in their fields. He thinks that his job is important because he is one of the people who works to make sure the doctors get information faster, making jobs easier.
Today I learned that technology is making a great impact in the medical world. For example, last time I went to the hospital my doctor did not give me a prescription, she just asked what pharmacy I wanted to go to and sent the prescription to them. Technology is helping the medical field send information faster.
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Today I had a chat with some of the Collection Development and Management staff. They are the ones responsible for ordering books for the library, managing journals and newspapers. This job allows one to work online which makes it more flexible. Due to technological advancement one does not have to work in a specific office. A degree in Library Science is required in order to work in the field of the library. One has to have a passion for fixing problems and organizing information. Constant new learning skills are needed in the field because things are always changing.
Believe it or not, library staff who collect information and organize it make it easier for doctors, nurses, medical students and other health professional to get information they need.
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