Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day with Denise

Today I interviewed Denise. She started out getting a masters degree in American History. Because of her lack of interest in teaching, she earned her library degree and started working at Smith college as a librarian for 3 years. She worked at Connecticut College managing a small department for 1 year. Currently she has a job share position, half time. Now she had been working at Yale Medical library for 5 1/2 years. Denise works as a liaison program coordinator. One of the things she does is write monthly Liaison email messages for the other liaison staff to send to the department they are working with. Denise works with the Cancer Center, the Anesthesiology Department, and Comparative Medicine. One thing she loves about her job is the flexibility and the environment. One of the things that she had learned while working here is that it ok to admit when you do not know something. The characteristics needed for her job are: Self confidence and the art of persuasion.
Today I learned that working with people who like you and that you like can really make your job easier.

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