Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meeting with Jeffrey Star on developing a health flixs video

My second day as a Chili intern; I got to meet with Jeffrey Star who is helping me develop a Healthflicks video. At first, I had to brainstorm and come with an idea for the video. Since I had the chance to visit Harvey Cushing's collection of brain tumors, I thought that would be a good place to use for a video background, and then we came up with an idea to use concussion as the topic of the video. I think that concussion is a great topic for the video because it's common for youth. By making this video, students would be able to get an idea what to do and why is it important to prevent this from happening. Then I had to do preparation for the video. So I did research and compiled a finalized script. Most likely the making of the video takes place tomorrow. Overall this day was great and innovative because I got to try something new.

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