Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 5 of My Internship

Today was day five of my internship, and i interviewed two people, Kenny Marone, and Claudia Merson.
Kenny Marone is the director of the medical library. She went to college at Albertus Magnus College where she studied history. She went to Albertus Magnus College because she read an article in the New York Times that said women who go to women colleges do better than going to a college with men. She came to work at the Yale Medical Library because it is one of the greatest libraries in the world. Kenny enjoys helping people with their questions and hiring people who make a difference. She loves the rare book collections at the library and, also loves, that her job does some good for the world. Since Kenny has been working at the Medical Library she has learned "grace under fire" and better listening skills. Kenny was an amazing person to talk to and she says she was inspired to be who she is by her grandmother, who was very kind and whom she was very close to.
After my interview with Kenny, I went across town to go interview Claudia Merson. Claudia works with the New Haven Public Schools creating programs for them. For example, she works closely with my school, Hill Regional Career High School, to create programs such as S.C.H.O.L.A.R.S. Claudia went to NYU and transferred as a junior to Georgia State and then went to Harvard. She studied English and Linguistics at Georgia State and Education at Harvard. Before coming to work at Yale she taught English in Bangladesh and other countries in Europe. She has been been working at Yale since 1995. Claudia's best memory and proudest moment of working at Yale is when she signed the partnership with Career High School. Claudia enjoys drawing, cooking, and traveling.

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