Monday, July 21, 2008

On my fourth day as a chili intern, I interviewed two interesting people. One was Kenny and the other was Mark. Kenny is the director and is responsible for recruitment and retension. She told me how she ended up where she is now and it was very interesting. She said that she had applied for a job in archives and manuscripts but it was cancelled and they referred her to another job at the medical library and she decided to take it and ever since has loved it. She gave me a lot of helpful advice about college and life in general. Mark is a traveler who has been to many places to teach for example he has been to Sweden and went to Uganda to train senior doctors. He teaches them how to use the resources to their advantage. His favorite part of his job is solving problems and helping people.

On Monday, I interviewed Lei who is an instructional desingn librarian. He creates online tutorials , modules and online catelogs to help people learn how to better use medical resources. He enjoys his job because he gets to do what he likes and because he can experiment to find better ways to help people. His advice to anyone thinking about this career is to pay attention to technology that is fast growing and be sensitive about what people do and how you can positively impact them.

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