Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yesterday I went over to the Main Library, The Sterling Memorial Library and met with Diane Turner. She is the Associate University Librarian and deals with staff training and development and also community relations. A work day for her may include catching up on emails, reviewing salaries, meeting with supervisors, staff training or dealing with personnel issues. She said that no day is the same but it is always fun booked. She was inspired to choose this career because she loves working with people, solving problems and making a difference. Her job has sent her to many states in the U.S. as well as to South Africa. What she enjoys most about her job is seeing projects start out as ideas and go onto something bigger. Her advice to anyone who is thinking about a job like hers is to be prepared academically, be able to see both sides of a situation and be fair. She also said to make sure that you laugh a lot and don't take life so serioulsy.

Today I met with Jason who is the Desktop Support Technician. He fixes the computers here and over in the classrooms across the street. His job includes taking care of issues with staff PCs, PCs in the information room and repairing and updating classroom PCs. He also deals with MAC computers so he knows how both operating systems work. He has always been working on computers since he was a child and was inspired by his uncle who was responsible for some of the framework that built the internet. He has worked at many companies; AT&T and Ann Taylor's corporate office, to name a few. The Cushing/Whitney Medical Libary is his first educational job and he said it is much different from the other job settings that he has had, organizational wise. His favorite thing about his job is the flexibility because he is not tied down to his desk all the time. He can get up and move around and help others around the building and also across the street. He can also plan his day and choose what he will work on first. His advice to someone who is thinking about choosing his career would be to always keep updated with the new technology and what is coming along, to explore software and take computers apart and fix them so that you know how they are put together and how to solve a problem that someone might have with their PC.

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