Thursday, April 16, 2009

April,16th,2009 (My last day)

Today I was very sad to leave the Yale Medical Library and these 12 days that I have spent there they were very memorable. I had an exciting conversation with Hongbin who is a Web Services Librarian and he designs the webpage of the library. It was a plesure to meet him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15th, 2009 (11th day)

Today I went to a Lecture which was about Ecology. It was most importantly dedicated to Charles Darwin and his 200th Birthday which was held at the Yale Medical Library. I learned alot of neew things that there wasn't a tree of life until today. The lecture was given by the one and only professor at Yal University. He majored in biology and was having a very interesting speech to us telliung us how the other students from Harvard and other colleges were making the tree of lives and showing us where the humans were located and where the animals were located. The hour speech just seemed like it was 5 minutes becaue it was so interesting you didn't even know how the time flyed by. There was also a exhibition on second floor where the Rotunda is located and at the first floor was Darwin's book of The Orgin of Species. I loved the way the professor stated his opinion's.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14th, 2009 (10th day)

Today I was interviewing Bob and Mark. Bob is a Business Manager at Yale Medical Library and mark is Clinical Support Librarian Coordinator and a Library technology Services and Support. Bob joined 2 years ago and he is very serious about his job because he is the person who takes care of the finance in the library like paying the bills, security, and making sure that the budget that they have doesn't go over the limit. Mark on the other hand is very busy and also very serious because he is working on this important project and when he showed it to me it was very difficult for me to understand that what their goal is in the project. Bob loves math and one interesting thing about him is that he was a college professor in math(algebra) and that was very different from what he's doing because he works in a library taking care of finance but he's also doing all that's possible for him accomplishing and finishing his goal. Bob also worked in an Insurance company doing underwriting and that's very interesting. Mark worked for 9 years in this library and he basically likes to help students with research projects and kind of help that the student will need. He even takes care of the computers in the library by looking after them if any sort of problem occurs so it's very fun knowing them and about their profession.

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13th, 2009 (9th day)

Today I met with Kenny who is the Director and I also met with Janene. Kenny is a very funny person and has a good sense of humor she showed me how the Yale Medicl Library is in a shape of a "Y", she even shared some important things in her life like her two daughters and Kenny said that if her daughters are happy then she is happy so that's one thing I really liked about her. She is a very nice person who is very well organized and likes to get things done on time, her profession helps others by helping students, doctors, and nurses with researching. When I met with Janene I found out one thing that really interested me and that was that she is from Australia and I was surprised because there are really alot of diversified people and you get to know alot of new things. Janene is a Librarian at the Yale School of Nursing and she is currently working with the nurses at Yale New Haven Hospital. I learnes alot from Janene because today she told me that her job is very dynmaic and its totally not boring because you get to do new things and your pretty much occupied the whole time that your working.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9th, 2009 ( 8th day)

Today I was with Kelly who was scanning journals and books that students from other libraries would want and they would request the Yale Medical Library so Kelly was doing that and she is the Library Assistant and i had a great time with her. I also helped her scan journals so that I can get to know how I can do it so it was very easy, but you had to make sure that your hand didn't come in the because it was a camera scanning machine which is for journals that are very old and when the journal becomes very brittle then it will be very hard for you to scan it because you need to bend the journal so this machine is very convenient and very helpful. Also Kelly has been working on this for more than 10 years.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8th, 2009 (My 7th day)

Today I was at the Collection and Devolopment Management section which was very fun and it was very nice because I got to meet to alot of nice people who were Mary Hughes, Melissa, and Cindy. Mary Hughes and Melissa are the Acqusition Assistant Librarians and they have very fun jobs like dealing with the stuff that are coming in the library. Mary is very fun and has a good sense of humor. Melissa was a landscaper and i was like what a change because your a painter dealing wiht colors and then your working with computers and different types of software. When I was interviewing Melissa she was working on a prject that was given by her boss and it was very complicated because she was orderin books online and putting them into the catalog. The last person I interviewed was Cindy is the Collection Devolopment and Acquisition Librarian and she takes care of bugdet and I also met with Daniel who takes care budget and tries to solve problems that occur in his department with budgets and other stuff. I learned aboout the software HINARIwhich was very fun. So today was quite a busy day and it was very fun meeting with new people and finding about their profession and what they like to outside and inside of the office.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7th, 2009 (6th day)

Today I was with George the Librarian at the circulation desk and he told me some interesting things such as how they keep old journals safe and showed me a certain type of machine that seals the journal and keeps it from getting damaged. I interviewed John who is from Ireland and he is the Deputy Director of the whole Yale Medical Library at the Ciculation Desk. He als asked me questions to find out more about me and it was very fun. I interviewed Mary who is the Document and Delivery Librarian and she haels out doctors and nurses find the correct citations and also help them find journals that they woyuld like to check out and look into systems if they have it and if they don't not a problem they can get it from other libraries. Mary also told me that there are alot of Medical Libraries. I also met Michael who is a Medical librarian and he is from Uganda which is very interesting and he has been working in the Yale Medical Library for two and a half months. He says that he enjoys it and he also worked at a medical library in Uganda where he also was a Medical Librarian. I had a great time today and looking forward to interview other people.

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6th,2009 (5th day)

Today I met with Jan and we learned about her experience in the Yale Medical Library. She taught me about PubMed and how it's a great source for quick and specific searching tool. I really liked the Tutorials that Jan told me to watch because I had a better look at how I can use it and how it will come in help when I will be in college. I talked to Jan about her teaching classes and her experiences withthem and she said that it's very fun and that she has been teaching the majority of the classes.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2, 2009 (My 4th day)

Today I was with the Circulation desk where I met with Alah and George. They were very nice and they helped me understand what they do behind the circulation desk and theat was very fun. I also met Rick and he is the Circulation manager and he also provides excess to everything in the library. He likes to provide the best customer service and really enjoys helping the patrons at the Yale Medical Library. I learned different things from Rick like where the Reserved books go, that there is a certaing amount of days for certain books that can be checked out, and if any of the patrons or customers have a problem then they may ask for help from the circulation desk and they will help you clear the fine if it's not your fault. I also helped Alah checking in books and helped stack the book as well.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009 (My 3rd Day)

Today I was introduced to Jan and was able to attend one of her classes called EndNote Basics this was a very fun class where you learn how to manage citations. It was terrific because Jan was teaching it. I observed and saw how interesting things you have to go through in order for you to become a librarian. I can't wait till I meet Jan and interview her!!

March 31, 2009 (My 2nd Day)

Today I met with Lynn, Lei, and Judy. I interviewed them and I got a chance to find out what they do. I was very pleased and I enjoyed. My favorite part was when we talked about high school days and how fun they were. I learned alot not only that they are librarians, but what type of librarians they are Lynn is an Academic refernce Librarian, Lei is a Medical Librarian and he also designs webpages, and Judy is a Curriculum Support librarian. One thing that I learned was that there are alot of types of librarians.