Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15th, 2009 (11th day)

Today I went to a Lecture which was about Ecology. It was most importantly dedicated to Charles Darwin and his 200th Birthday which was held at the Yale Medical Library. I learned alot of neew things that there wasn't a tree of life until today. The lecture was given by the one and only professor at Yal University. He majored in biology and was having a very interesting speech to us telliung us how the other students from Harvard and other colleges were making the tree of lives and showing us where the humans were located and where the animals were located. The hour speech just seemed like it was 5 minutes becaue it was so interesting you didn't even know how the time flyed by. There was also a exhibition on second floor where the Rotunda is located and at the first floor was Darwin's book of The Orgin of Species. I loved the way the professor stated his opinion's.

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