Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meeting with Circulation Supervisor

After meeting with the library service assistants, I met with Rick who is the circulation supervisor. He manages in access and delivery services, making sure that documents are being delivered to people. He helps people with their databases, deals with public computers, and teaches classes. One of the challenges is making sure that the patrons are receiving their resources. He communicates with people electronically, and through the information desk. A typical day for him is seeing the staff, and dealing with his emails.

He thinks that giving the best consumer service, and being a team player in the department as well as in other departments are personality traits that one needs for the job. What keeps him happy in his job is the fact that he has good staff members. Some of the projects that he is working on is shifting the entire journal collection, and working on a part of the library that is being refurnished for the brain collection of Harvey Cushing. One of his memorable experiences is a program, takes place at the Library once a year, which hosts high students from all over the world who are interested in medicine. He says that it is such a pleasure seeing the students animated about medicine and seeing the seriousness of the medical students who teach them. Some achievements of his are making sure that the department has a good reputation, and going to Mississppi to cook food for Hurricane Katrina victims. He is not sure what he will be doing in about 5-10 years but he hopes to still keeping cooking.

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