Hill Regional Career High School interns explore health information careers such as medical librarianship at the Yale Medical Library with the help of Mr. Charles Greenberg and other staff members. The interns are given the opportunity to see how library staff access, manage, and apply medical research and interact with those on the Yale Medical Campus who work hands on with research.

Friday, April 16, 2010
Meeting with Diane Turner ( My Last day)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Meeting with Kenny, Janene, and Kelly
After I met with Kenny, I met with Janene. Janene is a Liaison the Nursing Department. She is originally from Australia, where she attended Australia Strut College of Advanced Education. She received her Masters Degree in Library Science at Southern Connecticut State University. Janene helps nurses at the hospital and in the medical school. Her favorite thing about her job is that no day is the same. Some of the skills that someone would need to succeed in this chosen career is a good attitude, flexibility, people person, and a helping spirit. The most challenging thing about Janene's job is that it changes so quickly and the easiest thing about her job is coming to work. In five years Janene see her career doing more outreach to people because everything is so electronic. Janene has been at Yale for five years.
After I met with Janene, I met with Kelly. Kelly digitizes books using a machine called KIRTAS. The machine has two heads , two cameras, and three computers. The machine has a fluffer that helps to prevent the pages from getting stuck together and not getting scanned. Kelly has to adjust the vacuum that way it does not rip the pages. Some books can not be digitized because of the age. Kelly is very friendly. I had a wonderful today and I got to meet so many interesting people.
The History of Health Sciences Lecture
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Meeting with Matt Wilcox

Monday, April 12, 2010
Refworks Training Session

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Meeting With Mark Gentry and Hongbin Liu

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Health Flicks
It is so much fin because you have a chance to do all of these things through out the experience. I think that Health Flicks is something that all teenagers at Career High School should get involved in because it is so informative. Some of the websites that Health Flicks told me about that tells how to manage stress properly is kidshealth. org and medlineplus.org. In Health Flicks I also learned how to make my own beats and songs. Sarah and Mr.Greenberg have taught me so much about Health since being in this program. I had great day with Sarah!
Meeting with Sarah Burge and Toby Appel

Yesterday I met with Sarah Burge. Sarah is a Preservation Librarian. She takes care of the rare books and photos. Sarah started her job five years ago, and she was the first Preservation Librarian here at the Cushing/ Whitney Medical Library. Sarah has a very important job because only the librarians on the historical staff can handle the rare books and photos. The collection has over 100,000 rare books, manuscripts, journals and prints. To preserve the books Sarah controls the humidity and the light surrounding them. Sarah has an undergraduate degree in art and history. She also has a Masters degree in Library Science. Sarah's favorite thing about her job is working with the staff and the collection. Some of the skills someone would need to succeed in this career are attention to detail, flexibility, and problem solving skills. I learned so much from Sarah yesterday. I learned that Harvey Cushing was one of the first Neurosurgeons to successfully perform a surgery. I also learned that the first printed medical book was published in 1491. I had a wonderful time with Sarah.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Meeting with Judy Spak and John Gallagher

After meeting with Judy, I met with John Gallagher. John is the Deputy Director of Public Services at the Cushing/ Whitney Medical Library. John is a Liaison to the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation. He is responsible for the physical library and he oversees construction projects in the library. John is a Personal Librarian to forty students. John's favorite thing about his job is working with the staff and students. He enjoys helping others and making sure that everyone that visits the library enjoys their time here. The most challenging thing about his job us that there is always so much to do, but never enough time. What keeps John motivated to come to work everyday is the people here at the library. John loves what he does and he would not change his job if he had the chance to. Today was a very interesting because I had the opportunity to interview two intelligent and friendly . I had a great day!