Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meeting with Kenny, Janene, and Kelly

Today I met with Kenny Marone. Kenny is the Director of the Cushing/ Whitney Medical Library. Kenny works with a lot of diversity. She makes sure that the staff has the research and education they need to represent the Library correctly. Kenny attended Albertus Magnus for college. She has a Bachelors Degree in History and a Masters Degree in Library Science. Kenny mentor was Bella Berson because she was the first director who made an attempt to guide her. She learned grace,manners,and how to be a leader from her. Kenny's favorite thing about her job is working with the people. Some of the skills that someone would need if they wanted to succeed in this career is good work ethic, organization, computer skills, and the ability to listen to people. The most difficult thing about Kenny's job is the budget because is has been decreasing because of the economy. The thing that keeps Kenny motivated to come to work everyday is that there always something new. Kenny has been at Yale for 30 years and she plans on remaining at Yale.

After I met with Kenny, I met with Janene. Janene is a Liaison the Nursing Department. She is originally from Australia, where she attended Australia Strut College of Advanced Education. She received her Masters Degree in Library Science at Southern Connecticut State University. Janene helps nurses at the hospital and in the medical school. Her favorite thing about her job is that no day is the same. Some of the skills that someone would need to succeed in this chosen career is a good attitude, flexibility, people person, and a helping spirit. The most challenging thing about Janene's job is that it changes so quickly and the easiest thing about her job is coming to work. In five years Janene see her career doing more outreach to people because everything is so electronic. Janene has been at Yale for five years.

After I met with Janene, I met with Kelly. Kelly digitizes books using a machine called KIRTAS. The machine has two heads , two cameras, and three computers. The machine has a fluffer that helps to prevent the pages from getting stuck together and not getting scanned. Kelly has to adjust the vacuum that way it does not rip the pages. Some books can not be digitized because of the age. Kelly is very friendly. I had a wonderful today and I got to meet so many interesting people.

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