Monday, April 12, 2010

Refworks Training Session

Today I went to a Refworks training session at the Cushing/ Whitiney Medical Library. The class was taught by Mr. Charles Greenberg. Mr. Greenberg is the Coordinator of Curriculum And Research Support at the Cushing/ Whitney Medical Library. He is Liaison to the Department of Surgery, the Department of Emergency Medicine, Human Investigation Committee, Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation, the Deans and Administration. Refworks is a citation management program. This program makes formatting citations easy. This program also helps people share references and articles. There are four types of ways to get references on Refworks. The four ways are : direct export, import, search directly from Refworks, and creating your own reference. I learned how to use this program and I learned how to properly cite references for different formats.

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