Friday, July 23, 2010

Last day with Sarah

Today is my last day of internship, in past days I have really enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know about their back grounds and their professions. All the medical library staff was friendly. I saw some historical books and Persian manuscripts. But today when I met with Sarah , she showed me some really amazing things. I saw books that were written in 1400's, and I was thinking that book is written before Columbus discovered America. Sarah who is preservation librarian take care of over 30,000 books. That means she have huge responsibility. She also take cares of Cushing Center's environment. she also organize tours. The most interesting thing that she likes about her job is that she is doing most different thing in the library and creating a difference.

Mark Gentry

On Thursday, the first person I met was mark. He is a clinical support librarian. A few things about him, he graduated in Anthropology and went to China to teach English. Then he got interested in other profession, after a lot of research he came across the Librarianship. It was interesting for him because he always wanted interaction with people and students, basically his work involves to teach students, helping them to use the resources available for them. His favorite thing about his job is that he can help people and can make a difference. He even went to Uganda to teach librarians there to make them aware of the resources that were available for them. I really enjoyed my time with him.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Janene Batten

I met Janene today, who is the Reference Librarian for the Yale school of nursing. She spends time at both the school and the medical library. she had a undergraduate degree in education. She worked in school library as well. She's worked in the medical library for 7 years as a Nursing School librarian and her main charge there is to help nurses, faculty, clinicians, with any information needs. She works with about 300 students and 600 faculty members. There isn't any typical workday for her. everyday she do new things which she really likes. According to her, a good thing about working in the library is that there are lot of opportunities for you. Her memorable experience is when she got an staff award at graduation ceremony.

Diane Turner

My favorite thing of the day was the meeting with Diane. She is the head of human resources for the Yale library. She majored in history and specialized in counseling. She have done many jobs but her jobs mostly involved working with students in college. Basically her work involves to hiring people and counseling library staff if they are laid off. I asked her what she most like about her job, and she said the smile she get to see after she offers someone a job is very rewarding for her. The interesting thing about her is that she been to many international countries, including South Africa, Seira Leone and Uganda. She has a really interesting personality. I really enjoyed my time with her.

Lynn Sette

On Wednesday, I met Lynn, who is a Reference librarian. Lynn got her masters in library science in 1985. As a reference librarian, Lynn teaches classes and provides consultations. Lynn also chairs a Marketing & Promotion committee to ensure that faculty, staff and students of the Medical Center are aware of the resources and services offered by the Library. In her work day, she attends meetings , setup classes for residents, answer questions. She have also worked on project for school nurses. Her goal was to provide resources for theirs research. What she likes most about her job is that she gets to try new things, and she can do things the way that she want to.

Webmaster Hongbin

The last person I met on Tuesday was Hongbin. I was very excited to meet him, because the title "Webmaster" fascinates me. I learned a little bit about him, for example, he was a journalist in Beijing. He actually majored in journalism. Then he studied information science and worked in New Orleans. But after Hurricane Katrina , he came here. Basically, his job is to create websites and maintain them. He also has to track statistics of websites, how many people view the links. He also substitute popular links for less use links on certain pages. He also runs focus group studies to ask students and faculty about their likes and dislikes on the library websites. It was a very interesting meeting with Hongbin. The most adventure of this meeting was that I got to know more about China. I am really interested to visit China.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Meeting with Liaison Librarian

I met with Denise who is Liaison to the anesthesiology and cancer center. She connects with the faculty, promotes and markets the use of resources and new resources. She makes people know what tools they have to use, and by creating an online site she lets people use easier ways to locate the resources. The most challenging thing about her job is finding new ways to help other Liaisons within limited time. She also works with Holly who is a Liaison to the OBGYN department. They both work to find new resources for their departments. She downloads resources, searches through data like tools to store resources, and visit operating rooms to speak with surgeons. Her memorable experiences include having worked with surgeons in the ER, attending a anesthesiologist meeting, and telecommuting. Recently she has been to Japan, where she continued to communicate through Skype. Well its really amazing to know how technology have progressed.

A interesting meeting with Regina Marone

On Tuesday, the first person I met was Regina, who is the Medical Library director and deals with Library public relations. It was a really interesting meeting. First she started off with asking about me and my aims. Then she told me a little about her background. She was a history major, and she like to read about American Civil War. In school, her favorite subject was history. She graduated from high school and went to work with a phone company. She got her masters from Southern Connecticut State University. Important things about her in her job is being a good listener and recognizing people. She likes to see her staff happy and feel a satisfaction in what they do. Kenny mentioned to me that liking to work with people, listening to others, being a team player, having good communication skills including having good technical skills are important traits that one needs in her job. At one point she said to me she likes to take chances in trying new things because it might be helpful to others, and if it don't work out well it doesn't matter because it is not like opening people's brain. First I thought it was funny, but it did made sense, and I also think its not bad to try new things and keeping your options open. I had a memorable meeting with Regina Marone.

Jane and Judy

On Monday I met Jan and Judy. Jan received her masters in library sciences from Rhode Island University, and has been in the career for 35 years.
Jan has been a librarian for 22 years. She also had work in hospital library for 11 years. Basically her work involve to make sure classes are organized and provide instructor. she also organize classes for PA and medical students.
I also met with Judy who is a Curriculum Support Librarian in the medical library. She is Liaison to the Basic Science Department of the school of medicine. Sometimes she works at the information desk. Also she attends meetings, respond to technical problems, and is working on organizing orientations and schedule for the new medical students. She has been here for 17 years. Before she worked in architect office. Her favorite part of the job is that she get to help people.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kelly And the Scanner

Kelly was the second person after Toby that I met, and it was really interesting meeting. First she told me about herself, that she did liberal studies but later she realized that was not for her. Then she introduced me to the book scanner. To be honest that was the first time I saw that machine, and i was really surprised by how it works. Kelly showed me how she scan books. I must appreciate how hard her tasks are and how much energy she puts in. Sometimes she has to stand on the top pf the book scan machine and turn pages and look for any mistakes that a machine might cause. Well, according to her, a machine is just a machine, and it can create a error. After book scanning her work involves revising and editing to clear any mistakes and make it ready to be publish online. Recently she is doing a project which is to gather books that were published before 1923, and her time limit is 18 months. Well I wish her best of luck for her project.

Toby Appel

The first person I was to meet today was Toby Appel. She is head of the historical library and she has a PHD in history of science and a history of medical library degree. She also has a masters of library science which enables her to work as a library. Toby worked for a scientific society with her first degree and then she found out that she was much more interested in library science. She have also done a major exhibit on Darwin. She have published her journal on alternative medical group which she was working for almost ten years. Basically She purchases new and rare books. She teaches classes, offers reference services, and does exhibits for the Library. I had a great time with her.

Lei Wang

I met Lei on my second day, and it was a interesting conversation. A little about him: He has been working here for 5 years and he is an instructural design librarian. For his undergrad he went to college in China and majored in English. He also worked as a instructor in university. Then he became interested in library for primary reasons. He say that was fascinating for him that he could help people that he really wanted to. He also is a personal librarian for students. what he most like about his job is that he get to try new things, and can pick his own project. Basically he makes online E-tutorial lessons for students and staff, and he have received Service Quality Improvement Award.

Mary Angelotti

After interviewing John, I met with Mary.She is the manager of document delivery services. She is very funny. Her department deals with getting books for the Yale Medical Library and medical students. She has been working in Yale for 33 years. Mary wanted to be a Teacher first and she got her bachelor in education. She also did master in health science but after her education, she got married and became a house wife. After a while she got to know about library science. Her work day may involve helping others, giving assistance where needed in her department. and scanning things. She don't get enough time for herself because the time pressure of specific tasks of her. After having conversation, she showed me the scanner in the basement where they scan books and she showed me the process of sending books to patrons. That was really interesting.

John Gallagher

On second day, the second person I interviewed was John. He is a Director of Public Services for the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library. For John it is his second career. Before he was a supervisor for UPS. Then he became evening supervisor for the library. Then he joined circulation department. He is a personal librarian for 10 students. Basically in his typical day, he deals with students and staff issues and read emails and requests. After I interviewed him, he toured me to Cushing Center, which I think was really scary, but I really enjoyed having conversation with him about Harvey Cushing.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Joanna Price

On my second on of internship, I met Joanna Price who is the Coordinator of Community Progress in Science New Haven & State Affair. A little info about her background, she majored in biology and received her PhD and was trained as a scientist. She did stem cell research. But mostly she wanted to work with students so she got interested in this job. She have also taught scholar biology. Her work mostly involve to set up academic programs for high school students. She sets people with other people based on their interest of research. She finds it fascinating that how school system is reforming and and providing students with more opportunity.


I interviewed Mr. Greenberg and learned a lot about what he does daily. For instance, he is a supervisor and meets at least once a month with every staff member. He also programs staff at the information desk and if there is a problem he is the one to solve it or fills in for someone who is not in. He also teaches students, which is one of his favorite parts of his job, and is a personal librarian to many students. He is a part of ASK LIVE which is a real time reference where he can answer questions that people may have. I learned that he earned a leadership fellowship and has traveled to many countries, to mention a few, Scotland, Australia and Germany. In his typical day, he spend more the 2/3 of his day on computer reading emails and requests and sending the ‘Medical Library News’ each month – highlighting new resources and information about the library’s programs to keep you up-to-date. someday he would like to be a Medical Library Director, awaiting for the right opportunity.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

First day as a Chili intern

Today was my first day as an intern at The Cushing/Whitney Library. I was so nervous and also very anxious to see what awaited me in the building. first i met with Mr.Greenberg who is the coordinator of curriculum and research support. He introduced me to all of his staff and told me about their specific tasks. then he gave me the tour of medical library, in which i got to see a lot of fascinating things. i got to see alot of books which were more then 100 years old. and i was very surprised that they were still in good condition in the care of the library staff. then we went to Cushing center and at first i wasn't expecting to see what i saw. basically Cushing center was full of Human brains preserved in jars. and it was kind of scary to me. because i never got to see these kind of things before. and the thing which really overwhelmed me was the pictures of random people who were suffering from such traumas and the thought that their brains was in jars lined up on scale was really scaring. my first day at medical library was really good.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Today was my last day. I interviewed Kenny who is basically a cheif problem solver in the library. She makes sure the librarians have the resources needed to do their job. She also helps create a stable environment for the librarians in which they can be focused on their patrons. Kenny believes that the most benificial aspects of her job are her excellent co workers, the divirsity of the job, and the many interesting things you get to do. Kenny loves the university environment and loves the fact that she knows her job is making a difference in the lives of others. Over the length of her career Kenny has learned that one needs to stay calm and keep their cool so the problem can be solved.

After meeting with Kenny, Sarah gave me a tour and showed me some of the oldest books in the library. It was amazing to see how these books were kept in better condition than some of the newer books. The books dated to as far back as the 15th century. They were different sizes and made up of different materials. Some of the older ones were even hand written.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kelly and the book scanner

After meeting with Joanna Price and Diane Turner I met Kelly and got a demonstration of the books scanner. Click this link to see what the book scanner is and how it operates: The Yale medical library is working on a project with different librarys in which books are scanned to be put online. The final purpose of this project is to have an online library. Yale is in charge of getting Anisthetic pediatric vaccination books scanned and simulated as books online. Some examples of books that are already online and simulated can be seen if you click on the following link:

The last person i met today was Hongbin. He his the webmaster of the medical library. He maintains the website and gets to use his creativity to implement his ideas. He came to this library after moving here because of the incident at New Orleans. Hongbin must find different ways of how the users would like the website and how it can become more and more user friendly. To see the library's website that Hongbin is charge of click the following link: The work that he does affects people by allowing them to use the library online and by having information available at all times. Over the length of his career Hongbin has learned that patients in the key to sucess and that one must not always take matters too seriously.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

you can find Lei's tutorials by subscribing to an RSS feed
Today i was to meet with Daniel Dollar and the rest of the CDM department. They basically order books, organize and pay for catalogs, and they work with the invoicing payments. They are also part of an E response team which helps patrons who need assistance through an online system. Daniel updates and renews books and articles online. He works with the collection development committee to make decisions on what to purchase and what not to purchase. Daniel is also part of a program called HINARI which helps poor countries with health information and sales. he will be going to South America to work and train people with the program for a whole week. Over the length of his career Daniel has learned that one must think before they act and that will lead to the right decisions.

Next I met Lei Wang. He is an instructional design librarian. He is is one of the few people in the country who works this job! Lei helps bring user education online. He works with curriculum research support to bring certain topics online such as anything that the library teaches. He believes that you can know everything but it doesnt mean that you can teach it. Lei creates tutorials that help doctotrs for example on certain things they may need to learn. You can find Lei's tutorials by subscribing to an RSS feed. Lei's degrees in media production and educational production help him with the tutorials he creates. His previous undergrad. major cultivates a sensitivity to language and to understand it. Throught the years he has worked in the library, Lei has learned what are the best ways to find information and he has formed habits in information seeking behavior. As a librarain he also help people to obtain these skills. Over the length of his career Lei has learned that one must take things slowly and that they must think before they act.

The last person i met today was Jan. She is works with the educational services and she makes sure information is affective and efficient. Jan had a love for libraries ever since she was young. She always knew that she wanted to be a library. The only unexpected thing is that she did not know she would be working in a medical library with a degree in library science. She helps with teaching, support researching for systematic reviews. Over the length of her career Jan has come to a conclusion that working with a team makes the result much more brilliant

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The first person i was to meet today was Toby Appel. She is head of the historical library and she has a PHD in history of science and a history of medical library degree. She also has a masters of library science which enables her to work as a library. Toby worked for a scientific society with her first degree and then she found out that she was much more interested in library science. She ended up going to library school and became certified to work here. Over the length of her career Toby Appel has learned important lessons such as to do your best to get along with others so that work can be accomplished.

I next met with Lynn Sette who works in the reference department. She is a circulation and research supporter for education and information. Lynn answeres questions, teaches classes, and works with 10 different Yale students every year. She became introduced to the field when she checked out books part time. Lynn when to school and worked part time so she can get her degree in library science. This was a difficult challenge for er because you could not take courses online like you can now. Over the length of her career Lynn Sette has learned that one must learn how to find different information.

Holly and Denise are in charge of the Liaison program. Liaison means relationships and what they do through this program is help each department with different researches . They also help these departments keep up with necessary skills that they need. They both believe that the environment they work in gives them many benefits. Some of these benefits include working together, respect to one another, no competitiveness over the work, variety of different work, and the appreciation gained from the work they do.

The last person that i met today was Janene Batten. She helps nursing students and faculty nurses at the hospital. She also works in historical library projects and helps develop the website. She is originally from Australia and her major there was biology and earth science. When she came to America she obtained her masters in library science and was certified to work at the library. She believes that her previous degree helps her a lot with the work she does now because of the science aspect of it. Over the length of her career Janene has learned that one needs to be flexible and to be able to change with the times.

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2nd

Today I worked on the health flicks videos for most of the day. I learned to edit videos and control the different audio and visuals pertaining to it. The topic we just completed was a video about stress. I used to work with Sarah but she is no longer in the program so I now work with Jackie. She is a very nice person to work with and she was able to teach me a lot about photo video editing. After I was done I took pictures all around the library especially the Cushing Center.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1st

Today I met with John Crallagher who is the deputy director of public services. He is responsible for strategically planning and maintaining everyone on the same page so they can reach a certain goal as a library. He also provides customer service and tries his best to show his patrons how valuable the library is. Business management was Mr. John's was his college major and it helps him a lot in what he is doing today. He came to the Cushing library as a temporary employee but with hard work and determination he worked his way up into the job he is working now. Mr. Crallagher enjoys the many different aspects of his job and loves the fact that he get to meet new people and associate with others every day. He believes that his co workers play a major role in why he loves his job so much. Another reason he likes his job is because it enables him to be a generalist. This means he gets to learn about a lot of different stuff rather than specializing in one thing. Over the length of his career Mr. Crallagher has learned that you should never be afraid to ask for help.
After interviewing John Crallagher I was able to go downstairs with him and see how his co workers and him selves prepared very old journals to be sent to storage in a different Yale facility. Some of these book were dated as far back as the 1800s. Mr. Crallagher told be that the library had much older books which extremely fascinated me. It was amazing how many different languages these books were written in and how carefully they had to be tempered with because they were so old and fragile.

Next I met Judy Spak who is in charge of the curriculum support of the medical school. She also assists tenders in presenting course management systems, technical support, and research for Liaison which presents the library to many different departments. She was an English major which helped her a lot in her grammar and writing skills in the job she is pursuing now. Before working here she was an office manager then she went back to school to get her degree in library sciences which enabled her to work at the Cushing library. She is successful in her job because she enjoys interaction with people and is very friendly. Judy chose to work this job because she enjoys puzzle solving and discovering new exciting things that are happening in the library. Over the length of her career Judy Spak has learned to work with others , collaborate, and listen or how to behave to get something accomplished.

After meeting with Judy I met Matt Wilcox. He is the librarian for the school of public health. He works with students to provide them with information. He is also the director of academic technology. He was an English major which helps him with grammar and reading situations in the job he is working now. He came to the Cushing library after previously working at an agriculture and science library. Matt enjoys working with people and college students. He always makes sure that students are receiving the right information and that they have the right information available. He chose this job because it stood out as an interesting challenge. Over the length of his career Matt Wilcox has learned that you will never end up where you think you're going to; so keep your options open.

Next I met Mark who is the clinical support coordinator for technology. He helps with research and making resources available. His favorite subject when attending school was history and hiss college degree helped him become a librarian because it taught him to be a generalist. Mark is a very experienced librarian who knows a lot about the field he works in. he worked as a library assistant in 1985 then did his independent study and worked in Hartford. After that he ended coming to the Yale Cushing library and he has been working there ever since. Mark believes that some of the important benefits of his job are the ability to get to know different personalities and getting to work with intelligent compassionate people. He enjoys working with different people, challenges, and problem solving. The most important aspect of his job is to help busy practioners use information quickly and efficiently. He believe this makes a difference by helping out doctors and health providers learn more which will eventually lead to better treatment of patients. Over the length of his career Mark has learned to prepare for the unexpected, think things through, and to try new things.