Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kelly and the book scanner

After meeting with Joanna Price and Diane Turner I met Kelly and got a demonstration of the books scanner. Click this link to see what the book scanner is and how it operates: The Yale medical library is working on a project with different librarys in which books are scanned to be put online. The final purpose of this project is to have an online library. Yale is in charge of getting Anisthetic pediatric vaccination books scanned and simulated as books online. Some examples of books that are already online and simulated can be seen if you click on the following link:

The last person i met today was Hongbin. He his the webmaster of the medical library. He maintains the website and gets to use his creativity to implement his ideas. He came to this library after moving here because of the incident at New Orleans. Hongbin must find different ways of how the users would like the website and how it can become more and more user friendly. To see the library's website that Hongbin is charge of click the following link: The work that he does affects people by allowing them to use the library online and by having information available at all times. Over the length of his career Hongbin has learned that patients in the key to sucess and that one must not always take matters too seriously.

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