Friday, July 9, 2010

Today was my last day. I interviewed Kenny who is basically a cheif problem solver in the library. She makes sure the librarians have the resources needed to do their job. She also helps create a stable environment for the librarians in which they can be focused on their patrons. Kenny believes that the most benificial aspects of her job are her excellent co workers, the divirsity of the job, and the many interesting things you get to do. Kenny loves the university environment and loves the fact that she knows her job is making a difference in the lives of others. Over the length of her career Kenny has learned that one needs to stay calm and keep their cool so the problem can be solved.

After meeting with Kenny, Sarah gave me a tour and showed me some of the oldest books in the library. It was amazing to see how these books were kept in better condition than some of the newer books. The books dated to as far back as the 15th century. They were different sizes and made up of different materials. Some of the older ones were even hand written.

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