Today I interviewed John Gallagher, who is originally from Ireland. At first he wasn't sure what he wanted to be so he started off working
at UPS, construction , evenings at a Circulation Department at a Library. Then
he became Deputy Director of Public Services at Cushing/Whitney Medical Library (, and now he
is the Associate Director. Mr. Gallagher has a Bachelors and Masters degree from Southern Connecticut State University ( Also, he attended a College in Ireland for two years after he graduated from high school. He explained to me how the working conditions here are a lot different then the ones he use to encounter, but he does like them a lot. He also described to me how his job is very fulfilling. Its fun to hear what people are working on, and how John works with such great colleagues. But in order to do this job you have to really love what you are doing and be able to listen to others needs, which Mr.Gallagher enjoys doing.
After interviewing Mr.Gallagher I went and interviewed Mark Gentry, who works as a Library Liaison to Internal Medicine and a Clinical Support Librarian. He is the Medical Library technology coordinator, and he does lectures and gives International Support when his help is needed in specific program areas, like clinical training in Uganda. He has a Bachelors degree, Masters degree in Anthropology, and a Library Science degree. He attended West Virginia College but soon after transferred to Trent University where he majored Anthropology. Then for his Graduate degree he went to the University of Connecticut and then to Southern Connecticut University for Library Science. Mr. Gentry discussed to me how likes being in a academic environment and how he receives a lot of support from his colleagues. He also said he likes how people are very appreciative of his work, because its not everyday you go to work and you have people thank you for doing your job.
Hill Regional Career High School interns explore health information careers such as medical librarianship at the Yale Medical Library with the help of Mr. Charles Greenberg and other staff members. The interns are given the opportunity to see how library staff access, manage, and apply medical research and interact with those on the Yale Medical Campus who work hands on with research.
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