Thursday, July 19, 2012

Today I interviewed one of the longest serving employees at the Medical Library. Her name is Jeannette Ponzio. She has been working at the Yale Medical Library for forty seven years! She got her degree straight out of high school from  Stone Buisness College. She first started as a book and journal shelver, then moved her way up to the Circulation Department and worked in that area for 23 years, becoming acting Head of Circulation for one year. Now she is an Acquisitions Assistant. She discussed with me how throughout the years technology has increasingly changed and it has made the work she does today easier. Also, we discussed the skills she needed to be able to succeed in her position. For instance she had to have communication skills and computer skills to be able to work successfully. She also explained to me how she loves her working environment and how she hopes that in the next year she will be retiring. Even after she retires she plans to help out at a local nursing home to stay on her feet!

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